When does the holiday shop open at Svenskt Tenn?
How does in-store pickup work?
Customer Service opening hours during Christmas?
What are the opening hours for the Store and Concierge during the holiday season?
When is the last order date for delivery in time for Christmas?
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Why do the prices in Euro/USD differ from the prices in SEK?
What are my payment options when shopping through the Website?
What payment options do we offer in the store at Strandvägen 5?
Can I feel safe when I shop online at Svenskt Tenn?
Where can I see my gift card/gift coin balance?
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Online ordering
Can my company shop on Svenskt Tenn's website?
How do I track my order?
Gift Wrapping
Can I change a placed order?
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To which countries does Svenskt Tenn deliver?
What is the shipping cost when I shop online?
Can I order an item and have it shipped to another country?
Can I choose where to pick up my order?
How soon after I place an order can I pick it up in the store?
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How do I return an item?
How do I make a complaint?
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Is Svenskt Tenn’s whole range available online?
Where do I turn to for repairs and engravings?
What is FSC Certification?
When is a product back in stock?
Opening hours
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